September 2018

Celebrate Back to School with Venture

So by now all the long-awaited examination results have been revealed! Check out our recent article Top of the Class in which we looked at some ways to celebrate the results – whatever they were – and help your son or daughter to look ahead to the next stage of their lives.


For some of us this autumn will herald the dreaded Empty Nest, where our home is suddenly our own again with none of the chaos, noise or mess that we have put up with from our teenage offspring for so long. But oh how we will miss it!

But many others will now be in the throes of once again organising the big Back to School. Uniform, shoes, bags, stationery: you name it, it is bound to need replacing. One consolation is that many schools organise school photographs fairly early on in the school year, when your child is hopefully still looking clean and smart!

But have you thought about organising a family photography session to celebrate the new school year? It would mean that as well as the official standard school photograph, you get some photographs that are much more personalised and meaningful to you and your family.

Leo Francis

Let’s be honest: when you look back on old school photographs it can be pretty difficult to distinguish one year from another. So why not make this year stand out by organising some photos that involve your son or daughter and also other members of the family? You could have some photos taken in their school uniform, then others that reflect their hobbies and interests, and yet others that include other people and even pets.

These are the photos that you will really treasure in the Empty Nest years to come! So why not let Venture Studios make it happen?

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To book your family photography experience simply check out our range of experience and book online, or give us a call on 0845 121 1085 or contact your nearest Venture Studio to find out more information. You’ll be glad you did!