December 2015
Top 10 New Year Resolutions for 2016
Every New Year when the clocks turn 00:00, and you have your New Year’s kiss, we are all guilty of making a new resolution that we are determined to stick too this time around. The problem is people very rarely accomplish their resolutions. This can be due to a number of reasons; however the main reason is that we just don’t make them realistic!
“I will buy a new car next year”… ends up being too expensive
“I will find my true love”… how can you plan when you are going to find love?
“I will give up chocolate for a whole year”… come one, let’s be realistic now!
We end up making all these statements about what we want to do, and come the following year we end up being disappointed and annoyed that we sneakily ate that piece of chocolate on New Year’s Day, and then make them same mistake all over again! Well don’t worry we have you covered for some realistic resolutions to make for 2016. Below are the top 10 popular New Year Resolutions for 2016!
1. Fit in fitness- this doesn’t mean you have to become a gym addict for a full year, but it is always help to join your local gym! Be realistic with this one though, with a full time career, kids, the house and juggling a social life it can difficult to attend the gym. Try going once a week and see what a difference it makes!
2.Quit an addiction- maybe you want to stop smoking or maybe you have an annoying addiction such as biting your nails. This one can be a tricky one, but if you stick to it you will feel amazing
3.Learning- it’s never too late to go back to college or university… get that degree you always dreamed about getting and land your dream job!
4.Lose the Loan- ok maybe it is slightly un-realistic to pay off all of your loans in one year… especially if you have a student loan! So make a resolution to pay of a specific amount, it is always easier to pay something off if you have a realistic target to reach.
5. Ditch the stress- This sounds easier than it actually is, and there is no magic tip for anyone. You have to find your own haven and book in some quality time.
6. Let your hair down- it’s brilliant to work your way up the career level. However it is equally important to relax and enjoy your social life. Find a healthy balance between the two. What’s the saying… you only live once!
7. Fit time in for family- again, this one sometimes sounds easier than it actually is. Juggling your day to day life can leave little free time in day. Therefore, for 2016 try and allocate time at the weekend or after work to see family. Bonding with the family will add a treasure trove of memories for you to cherish all your life!
8. De-clutter and get organised- all that junk that you have stored in the garage, shed or loft… go through it and organise what you need and what’s junk. Not only will this have a calming effect on your lifestyle, but you can also give away unwanted items to Charity!
9. Positive approach to life- Vow to always view the glass to be half full. This will help you solve any obstacle you may face in life.
10.Treat yourself once in a while- do whatever your heart desires, get your hair or nails done, have a weekend away, open that bottle of wine and indulge in a Chinese- you deserve it after all!
There are so many ideas for potential 2016 New Year’s resolutions… you just need to find one that suits you and one that will make you happy. Personally, my new year’s resolution will be to do more of what makes me happy! But a Venture head office resolution should be to keep our desks clean!!
Have a fantastic New Year and we would love to hear what your resolutions for 2016 are!