
February 2023

Behind the Scenes: Prank for Saturday Night Takeaway

Ellie, our Style Director at Venture Studios Eton has been with the company since 2018. She started as a photographer at Fulham and came to Eton in July 2022 and honestly feels like she has the best job in the world.

Ellie loves meeting the new families that come in each day and capturing all those special moments they will cherish forever. When she doesn’t have the camera in her hand, she nerds out playing games and loves to run!

Saturday Night Takeaway took over our Eton studio for two days to prepare and run a prank with an unsuspecting Dad attending a family photoshoot. A lot of actors were involved in the stealth operation but they needed a professional on hand, so our very own Ellie became the “photographers” assistant for the day…

What was the preparation like for the prank?

It was pretty intense preparing for the whole filming day! The day before is what they call a rig day in TV, where they set everything up ready for filming. They put in a loads of hidden cameras and re jigged the studio (which was nothing like a Venture studio!) I even had to be mic-ed up so I could hear everything that was being said!

What was your role during the prank?

I was there as the photographer’s assistant, sorting out the lighting, helping out with realistic posing and to make the photoshoot was as believable as possible. I have never done anything like this before in my life, so I was a bit nervous, but when it was actually happening, I kind of forgot it was being filmed and just focused on trying to deliver a “normal” photoshoot!

How many people where involved?

It was quite a big TV crew, different people for different jobs behind the scenes, hiding away in other rooms. In the actual photoshoot, it was the lovely family who were taking part in the prank, the actor playing the photographer and myself. Oh and a famous duo kept popping in and out of course!

Did you want to laugh throughout it?

I did a little bit! But I naturally laugh in my sessions anyway, so I played it off well… I hope!

Do you think the father suspected anything?

Honestly, I do not think he suspected a thing!! He was absolutely brilliant; you could have kept him in there for longer and I still don’t think he would have caught on. Like come on, replacing a baby with a loaf of bread – something we would never do in a real Venture photoshoot.

Did it all go to plan?

It went better than I expected, I had such a good time filming and working with the team. It was one of those pinch me moments and something I will look back on thinking how cool it was to be involved.

How different from a true Venture experience was the prank?

It was poles apart! The actor playing the photographer was getting the family to do all kinds of crazy things, and that definitely wouldn’t happen in a normal Venture shoot! The set up for the lighting was also completely different, so that it was better for TV and even how everything was laid out. That is why I was there to make is appear more believable. I am looking forward to inviting the family back to do a proper photoshoot the Venture Way. We have kept some of the props so I am sure they will incorporated!

If you would like to experience a Venture photoshoot following our TV debut, you can purchase for just £15 and use in any of our 17 UK studios.

Chose from;

Family, Newborn, Maternity, Baby, Cake Smash,;Pet or Couples