December 2018

What does Christmas mean to you?

Celebrate Christmas with family portraits by Venture Studios…

As Christmas comes hurtling towards us it’s very easy to get completely caught up in all the arrangements and the frenzied activity of this most wonderful time of the year.

The problem is that we get so up to our eyes being busy that we lose sight of what Christmas is really all about.

So what is Christmas all about? What does Christmas mean to you?

Those with Christian beliefs love the inspiration and hope of the Christmas story. The reassuring familiarity of Christmas carol lyrics and the candlelit magicality of the midnight service. Christmas really can feel like a time of peace and goodwill to all men.

Others really enjoy all the getting together with family and friends, catching up and having fun with all the people that mean something to you. From big parties to pub lunches to drinks and board games in different homes, you love every single minute.

Leo Francis

Yet others revert to childish levels of anticipation about Christmas presents. You love giving them and – especially – love receiving them! You just can’t wait to see what lovely new things you get this Christmas.

And don’t forget those who just love to eat, drink and be merry. Whether you are a full-time foodie, or normally eat quite conservatively then go a bit mad at Christmas, it is the season to really enjoy your food and drink without feeling guilty about it.

So Christmas means different things to different people, there are many different reasons why we enjoy it. As the season approaches it is well worth spending some time thinking about what it means to you. If you are aware of the things that are important to you about Christmas, you can plan ahead to ensure that you fulfil your needs this festive season.

For example, if going to a carol service is something that means a lot to you then make sure it happens and doesn’t get overtaken by other events. If there are people you really want to see then get that date in the diary now before it fills up with other things. When people ask you what you want for Christmas give them a list of things that you would love instead of saying you don’t mind then end up being disappointed. And do make sure that all your favourite food and drink is on that Christmas menu so that you can really enjoy it.

Leo Francis

One other lovely thing to do at Christmas is to have a family portrait taken. Whether your family is two people or twenty, make sure you celebrate who you are this Christmas. Think how much you enjoy being together, then imagine being able to capture the memory of that enjoyment in a way that you can look back on for years to come.

At Venture Studios we offer a range of family portrait experiences that offer a photoshoot, a viewing of the photographs and a gift of one of the photographs to take away and keep. Why not arrange one for sometime over the festive season? All the family can bring along suitable props – whether it’s a favourite Christmas present or something else that is special to them and helps to portray their unique personality. What a lovely memento of this Christmas, and something you can treasure forever.

Check out our range of family portrait experiences here, and we look forward to welcoming you at a branch of Venture Studios very soon.