January 2021

Thanking our NHS and essential workers

Say thank you with the gift of photography

There are times when the words thank you are just not enough. One of those times is now.

The UK is fast approaching the grim milestone of a full year coping with the Covid-19 pandemic. Life has changed for everybody. Many people have sadly suffered with illness or bereavement. Others have experienced ongoing disruption to jobs, finances and childrens’ education. And most of us have had to put various plans and events on hold, perhaps indefinitely.

But amongst all this turmoil, there is one group of people who have stood out from the rest. Who have shone like beacons of light in these very dark days. Who have given us hope.

Our NHS and essential workers have led the way in keeping the country going for the past year. Despite facing the same struggles as everybody else, they have been there for us all. And they are still there.

At Venture Studios we want to do all that we can to express our gratitude to our wonderful NHS and essential workers. So we are offering them a little thank you gift.


Venture Studios NHS and Essential workers photography experience

If you have family or friends who have played their part in keeping everything going during the past year, then why not treat them to a voucher for a fabulous NHS and Essential workers photography experience? It will be a fun and pampering event for them, and give them something to look forward to.

Their photography experience will include an enjoyable and relaxing hour’s photoshoot, to which they can bring different outfits and props of their choice. They will then be able to see the resulting images – including some of our professional digital retouching work – in the relaxing comfort of one of our cinematic studios. They can also choose their favourite image to keep, in a beautifully hand-crafted 10″x8″ table top frame.

The total cost of the photoshoot, retouching, cinematic viewing and framed image is £315, but for a limited time you can purchase it for only £15. It’s our way of saying thank you.

The voucher will be valid for 6 months, so they will have plenty of time to come in for their photography experience once our studios are open again.

To purchase your voucher all you need to do is select the NHS and essential workers voucher from our purchase page then provide your details and payment and we will take it from there.

We hope that we can help you to say thank you to those that most deserve it. We look forward to meeting your special NHS or essential worker at their nearest Venture Studios as soon as we are able to reopen.